
BSC, Solana, Cardano

CFIFA ecosystem is based on BSC, Solana, Cardano networks.

Binance Smart Chain (CFIFA23)

Transaction speed – BSC is one of the fastest smart contract blockchains, contributing to its fast growth. Blocks are generated every three seconds compared to Ethereum’s 13 seconds, making it at least four times faster.

Low gas fees – a typical BSC transaction costs 15 Gwei, which is far cheaper than over 100 Gwei charged for an Ethereum transaction.

Solana Network (CFIFA24)

Blazing fast speeds and no mempool congestion: 400ms block times and sub-second confirmations allow for over 50,000 transactions per second. Web 3.0 with Web 2.0 speed.

Low network fees: With the ability to send 1 million transactions across the network for approximately $10 USD, users can forget about volatile and expensive transaction fees.

Enterprise-grade security: Audited by a Fortune 500-preferred security firm. Iron-clad immutability for global scale.

Cardano Network (CFIFA25)

There are no execution fees payable when transferring native tokens on Cardano.

There is minimal custom code required to launch a user-defined token on Cardano.

There is no custom code available to exploit in the development of user-defined tokens on Cardano.

Last updated